Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Joy of Not Working Can Have a Great Impact on Your Life

I received the following e-mail today:
    From: Roslyn H.
    To: "success101coach [ at ] yahoo [ dot] com
    Sent: Thu, March 4, 2010 3:39:51 PM
    Subject: Your Books Made a Great Impact on My Life!!

    Hello Ernie,

    I have read your books and am compelled to say that they have made such a huge impact on my life. I am an engineer--chemical and environmental--and worked at corporations that made exempt employees work 60+ hours a week.
    And that was actually a good week. I was also on-call for a manufacturing fab 24/7 for 3 months straight! It exhausted me, so I quit. I returned to school for a masters because I didn't know what else to do. I found another engineering job in Colorado and after 1 week I knew that it wasn't going to work out for me either. So I went to the local bookstore to find books on improving my resume, and that's when I found your book The Joy of Not Working.

    An angel must have placed it there just for me! The title caught my eye and I bought it immediately...never bought the book on improving my resume.

    I was very excited to read your book because I couldn't believe someone else in the world felt the same way I did about a 40-hr workweek.

    Reading your book was similar to listening to my thoughts but in an organized format without the curse words!

    I quit that job and moved, and haven't had a real job since.

    I even spent 3 months in Palm Beach, FL, laying around on the beach--my goal was to sit down by the beach and not get up until I Felt Like Getting Up.

    I have spent some savings and tapped into other money, but I am ok about it because I am feeling emotionally and physically better than ever. I even look better.

    My feelings of depression I was experiencing have gone away and replaced with a sense of well-being and confidence. I have reconnected with family and friends, and I spend more time with them and change my schedule to fit their's so I can see them.

    In other words, I have re-developed my personal life!

    Some of us don't belong in the corporate structure, but are creative and intelligent and require a venue.

    You definitely found yours!

    My creative venue is right at my fingertips...I can taste it.

    Your books are wonderful and have made a great impact on me.

    Keep up the great work!


    Roslyn H
    Albuquerque, NM
When I get an e-mail like this, I feel a great deal of satisfaction from having written the book.

But I also think about the people who run down my books and post a negative review on or where they totally thrash the book as if they knew what was good for everyone else. Of course, these reviews about The Joy of Not Working can sway people from reading the book and consequently deny them Happiness after Midlife

Because the last two reviewers of The Joy of Not Working were not that complimentary, this was my response to Rosalyn hoping to get a great review as I did on this Review of How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free:


    Note: This is a one-time notification about The Joy of Not Working. Please do not consider it as SPAM.

    Our retirement books are designed for corporations so that they can create GOODNESS, COOLNESS, and AWARENESS with clients and customers.

    Even more important, our funky retirement books such as How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free help retirees and the soon-to-be retired earn their retirement karma points so that they retire happy, wild, and free.

    If you have any objections, please respond and we will not send you further e-mails about our other life-changing books that we intend to release.


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