Monday, March 31, 2008

Planning for Your Retirement - Get Real!

1. Roughly half of all working Americans don't participate in a retirement plan or don't have an employer-sponsored plan in which to participate.

2. A huge number of adult Americans - by one estimate 150 million of a potential 200 million - aren't saving for retirement in any meaningful way, if at all.

3. Dave Ramsey, a personal-finance expert and talk-radio host, cited a recent poll in which 80 percent of Americans said they believed their standard of living would go up at retirement.

4. "Our culture today tells us that we deserve to have everything we want because we can charge it," Dave Ramsey says. "Previous generations thought you could only have something if you could pay for it. Their lifestyles were much simpler, and retirement was a time to simplify even more."

5. Many Americans are counting on Social Security has helped lower cases of poverty among the elderly in the USA, but it stands on unstable financial ground.

6. The average total income for those 65 and older in America is $25,610, and the median is a meager $16,770, according to EBRI Notes, a publication of the Employee Benefit Research Institute. That means retirees are living on roughly one-third of their pre-retirement incomes. And that's a far cry from the 70% to 80% that income replacement experts suggest Americans need to maintain their pre-retirement standards of living.

Five Retirement Sayings and Retirement Quotes about Earning Money to Help Your Retirement Planning

Money will appear when you are doing the right thing in your life.
- Michael Phillips

I believe that the power to make money is a gift from God.
- John D. Rockefeller

Rise early. Work late. Strike oil.
- J. Paul Getty

Money is the seed of money, and the first guinea is sometimes more difficult to acquire than the second million.

- Jean Jacques Rousseau

It's no trick to make a lot of money, if all you want is to make a lot of money.
- Everett Sloane in the movie Citizen Kane

To be clever enough to get a great deal of money, one must be stupid enough to want it.
- George Bernard Shaw

Check out Ernie Zelinski's Blog on Morgan James Publishing

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