Saturday, November 8, 2008

What It Takes to Write Retirement Books

At My Last Book Launch with Mary Who Is 52 Years Old (I Sure Wish All Women Over 50 Looked This Good and Were This Trim)

Some retirees wonder what credentials I possess to have written two retirement books. First, I have worked only half of my adult life. In other words, I have been in and out of retirement since I was in my late teens. Second, although I am not fully retired at this time, I have been semi-retired for the last 25 years.

I work only four or five hours a day; for the other 20 or 19 hours a day I have the same freedom that all full-time retirees have 24 hours a day. Even during my working hours I have a great deal of freedom since I work on what I want to, when I want to.

There is one important point about my semi-retirement, since in my retirement books I discuss the importance of money and what part it plays in having a successful retirement. When I semi-retired thirteen years ago, I was over $30,000 in debt. So much for the theory that you need a great deal of money to succeed in semi-retirement. The same applies to full retirement.

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